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Google launches great app, mobile will become your slave

Google launches great app, mobile will become your slave

Google has been trying to create an app for the last 2 years, which will allow the whole phone to be run with voice command only. This app was available in beta versions earlier, but now Google has launched this globally. The name of this app is Voice Access which allows users to write a text message through Voice command, talk to Google Assistant and open different apps. Apart from this you can do other work through this app.

It works like this - Voice Access Once you are activated, you will see the number on all your apps on your phone screen. With this you can easily access all the apps. Like the Save button or the Option menu, or you can also use the number. That means if you have to open the app on the number seven, you can open the app by saying 'click 7'. Apart from this, you can also give him general instruction. Such as "go back," "show notifications" and "go home." With this, you can also turn your phone into Wifi, Bluetooth. You can also adjust the volume, and you can close it with an app open.

You can also type a message - Using Google Voice Access, you can compose text, except this you can delete, if you have written a text incorrectly, delete it. Apart from this you can cut, copy and paste any text using this app. You will also get the option of text formatting in this app.

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This is very beneficial for these people - this app is very beneficial for people who can not use the phone with their own hands for any reason, except for those who want to use the phone with voice commands, it will be very easy. It will be very easy even if you have to do any other work on hand and use the phone, that means you can even do two things together.

You can download from the Play Store - this app can be downloaded from the Play Store. Currently this app only supports the English command, but the company says it will add support for other languages ​​in a short time.

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