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Reliance Jio's Free Service, JioTunes Usage Process

Reliance Jio's Free Service, JioTunes Usage Process

Gadget Desk: Reliance Jio offers many free features, except for cheaper data and free calling. Most Jio  users use the MyJio app for free. Apart from that, JioTunes is also a free service of the company. When someone calls you on a mobile phone, it is a truding ring, instead you can keep a song if you want to keep it. Some companies call it caller tunes, so someone has hello tunes Jio has given this service a Jiotunes  name.

Prior to Jio's arrival, the companies used to charge 30 to 45 rupees per service, but Jio  made the service free after launch.

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Jiotune Setting Process

- First download the Jio Music app from its Play Store. 

Now you search the song you want to hear about your callers. 

- Play that song. When you play a song, you will get an option named Set As Jio Tune. Click on it. 

- You will be asked for confirmation again by clicking. 

- You will get a message to be geo-tone service active only if you are conformed
- It is worth mentioning that this service is still free. However, many songs unavailable on the Jio  Music App are not accessible to Geo Tone

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