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Mobile is also bringing Jio to broadband as well as free online offers

Mobile is also bringing Jio to broadband as well as free online offers

Gadget Desk: Jio GigaFiber registration has started in India from August 15. However, Gigabeefber (broadband) service is not currently started for the user. Before the launch of the Jio GigaFiber service, a report from the website TelecomTalk came against. According to the report, the company is planning to launch the Jio GigaFiber Preview Offer. 100 GB free data up to 100 MB per second for three months under the Geo GigaFiber preview offer.
For the connection you will have to pay Rs. 4500

According to the report, the data available under the preview offer will be available for three months according to the month. This means that the user gets 100 GB data per month. Rs 4,500 (refundable) for the Geo Gigfiber connection. Reliance Jio will not have to pay any other charge except the connection charge to the user for this offer. The user will have to pay rent after three months.

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Jio GigaFiber Top-up Plan

According to reports, if GeoGebber user wishes, it will be able to add data top-up plan to their broadband account. After losing 100 GB of data under the preview offer, the user will be able to enjoy high speed broadband with data top up plan. A report indicating the data top-up plan will be free at the beginning. According to the reports, each user gets 40 GB extra data per month in the top-up plan, with 100 GB free data per month. However, it is not clear how many free users will get a top-up in a month.

600 TV Channels

Earlier reports had claimed that the user could take up top 25 in a month. Meaning a total of 1.1 TB (40 GB x 25 top-up) data can be enjoyed in one month without the user plan. Jio GigaTV Setup Box with Geo Gigabeefber will also be offered. The user will be able to see more than 600 TV channels on Gigativi.

Gain benefits up to 6 months

Announcing the launch of Jio Gigafiber in the Annual Meeting of the Reliance, but no date has been clarified whether the user will benefit from it. About Geo Gigaphiber, the company said that the city which will be the most registered, the first gigaphiber service will be started in the city. It is worth mentioning that when Geo arrived in the telecom sector, he gave customers the benefit of the preview offer for six months.

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