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Jio Gigafiber: High speed 100 GB of data will be available for free for three months

Jio Gigafiber: High speed 100 GB of data will be available for free for three months

Gadget Desk: Reliance Geo announced the launch of broadband Gigafiber in annual meetings. Since August 15, Geo has started the registration of high-speed broadband service Gigabeefber. Now the company has launched a preview offer for Gigabiber. Under this offer, users will be able to enjoy 100 MBps of free on 100 Mbps of data for three months free of charge.
According to the company's announcement, the place where the highest registration will be done, the GigaFiBer service will be the first to be launched. It is worth mentioning that Jio Gigafiber's registration will be done on the company's official website jio.com with myJioApA.

This News related many more new updates available on www.marugujarata.in

Refundable Security Deposit

Installation will be done free of charge under the Geo Gigaphiber preview offer. For this, no extra charge will be charged to the customer. However, customers will have to deposit 4500 rupees as security. This amount will be refundable. This charge is taken for Geoan broadband router. Customers will be given a prepaid plan option after using 100 GB of free data in broadband service. It may be announced shortly.

600 TV Channels

Jio GigaTV Setup Box with Geo Gigabeefber will also be offered. The user on Gigativi can see over 600 high-definition (HD) and standard definition (SD) TV channels.

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